In addition to the Committee, here are some other folks in the club who would be useful contacts for various things.

Chair – Tony Hulme
Tony was elected Chair in 20??, after serving on the committee for many years as Vice-Chair & Social Secretary. When he is not selling uPVC windows to other members he loves his sport climbing and is intrigued but too scared to come caving.

Vice Chair – Dave Hicks
Dave is currently our Vice Chair, supporting the Chairman as needed. He was club chairman from 200?-200? and Hut Booking Secretary before that.

Secretary – Stephen Clark
Steve has been a member for around 10 years and initially joined to committee to help with the club website and facebook groups. Since 2022 he has been the club secretary, responsible for the administration of the club. He is an active trad climber and spends a lot of time organising the club’s caving meets.
Steve lives in Caton, near Lancaster and has two teenage children who hate going outside.

Treasurer – Andy Chambers
Andy is the club treasurer

Hut Booking Secretary – Jen Chambers
Jen is our hut booking secretary. Compiling the meet syllabus

Membership Secretary – Simon Fenna
Simon is the membership secretary

Langdale Custodians – Drew & Liz Hird
Liz and Drew look after the running of our hut in Little Langdale.

Stair Hut Custodian – Chris Bell
Chris is the current custodian of the Stair hut.

Social Secretary – Richard Duerden
Richard details here

What’s On Editor – Mike Howe
After serving as Treasurer for many years, Mike Howe is currently the editor of the monthly email bulletin – What’s On.

Magazine Editor – Christine Fry
Details about Christine

Graham Callendar
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Iggi Moore
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John Wiseman
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Martin Dale
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